Pure RayTracing benchmark
A downloadable Benchmark
Download the compressed file, extract it, and execute the first '.exe' file. No installation needed!
A modern, free, easy and fast benchmark to measure how powerful is your Graphic Card (GPU), or to find your overclocked sweet spot. This is the 'twin' of the Pure non-RT benchmark (https://marvizer.itch.io/pure-non-rt-benchmark), but specially designed, this time, for RT capable/compatible cards.
(Both benchmarks are scheduled to be included in one unique software, in the near future, with update v2.0)
You will be able to select some options to pass the benchmark, or keep it running in loop. After it, you will be able to control a fully reflective third person character and to enable/disable his torch, change the sun rotation or brightness, and even enable/disable raytraced reflections all around the environment.
When exiting the benchmark, you will be able to review, again, your final result and, if you pass it a second time, when exiting after that, you will be able to compare the first result versus the second one, with a percentage calculation of improvement, ideal for overclocking comparisons.
Let's share the result with your community or in the comments below!
About the benchmark settings:
- Common Settings: usual gameplay settings on most games, when enabled all usual RT capabilities at a basic value each one. RT reflections ON, RT shadows ON, RT Ambient Occlusion OFF, Global Illumination OFF, RT Sky OFF
- High Settings: all usual settings of games + some additional settings, usually not available in most of games. RT reflections ON, RT shadows ON, RT Ambient Occlusion ON, Global Illumination ON, RT Sky OFF
- Pro Settings: designed for a professional use simulation, for people working and rendering in real-time, like automotive visualizations with a turning car, for example. RT reflections ON, RT shadows ON, RT Ambient Occlusion ON, Global Illumination ON, RT Sky ON
Ray Tracing features | Common Settings | High Settings | Pro Settings |
RT Reflections RT Shadows RT Ambient Occlusion RT Global Illumination RT Sky | ON ON OFF OFF OFF | ON ON ON ON OFF | ON ON ON ON ON |
Minimum requirements: AMD RX model compatible GPU, Nvidia RTX or GTX compatible GPU (from Pascal) with drivers 425.31 or higher, Windows 10 v1809 or higher. Non-RT capable GPUs will show a warning message on menu screen and execute the benchmark without RT features ('raster', traditional mode).
Internet connection required (to be able to add some great options in an upcoming awesome v2.0 of the benchmark).
Updated scores:
FHD Usual Settings: 2080 Ti Asus Rog Strix (+100, +900) 2080 Ti Asus Rog Strix 2080 Super 2080 mobile 2070 2070 2060 Super 2060 Super 1080 Ti 1080 Ti 1660 Ti 1660 1080 1060 6GB | 68 62 52.5 41.5 41.5 40 38 36.5 15 14.5 13.5 11.5 10 5.5 |
FHD High Settings: 2080 Ti Asus Rog Strix (+100, +900) 2080 mobile 2070 2060 Super | 46.5 28.5 28.5 25 |
FHD Pro Settings: 3090 Palit GamerPro OC 2080 Ti (@2000/7700) 2080 Ti 2070 Super Asus Dual Evo 2080 mobile 2070 2070 Ventus OC 2060 Super | 57 38.5 33.5 25 22 21.5 21 18.5 |
QHD Usual Settings: 3090 MSI Gaming X Trio 3090 KFA2 SG 3080 Asus TUF 2080 Ti Asus Rog Strix (+100, +900) 2080 Ti MSI SeaHawk X RX 6800 XT 2080 Ti Asus Rog Strix RX 6800 XT 2080 Super 2080 2080 2070 Super 2080 mobile 2070 2070 1660 1080 Ti 1060 6GB | 67 62.5 56 41.5 41 40 38 35.5 33 29.5 29 27 25 25 24 11 9 3 |
QHD High Settings: 2080 Ti Asus Rog Strix RX 6800 XT 2080 2080 mobile 1660 | 25.5 25.5 20 17 7.5 |
QHD Pro Settings: 3090 Palit GamerPro OC 3080 Asus TUF 3080 MSI Ventus 3X OC 3080 MSI Ventus 3X OC 2080 Ti (@2070/8300) 2080 Ti (@2000/7700) 2080 Ti MSI SeaHawk X 2080 Ti Windforce OC 2080 Ti Gaming X Trio 2080 Ti Asus Rog Strix RX 6800 XT 2080 Gigabyte Gaming OC (@1950/7700) 2080 Super EVGA 2080 2070 Super Asus Dual Evo 2070 Ventus OC 1660 1080 Ti (@2025/6003) | 34.5 30.5 29.5 28.5 24 23 21.5 21.5 20.5 20 17.5 17.5 16 15.5 15 12.5 4.5 3 |
4K Usual Settings: 2080 Ti Asus Rog Strix 2080 1080 | 18 13 3 |
4K High Settings: 2080 Ti Asus Rog Strix 2080 | 11.5 9 |
4K Pro Settings: 3090 MSI Gaming X Trio 3090 Palit GamerPro OC 3090 KFA2 SG 3080 MSI Ventus 3X OC (OC) 3080 MSI Ventus 3X OC 2080 Ti (@2070/8300) 2080 Ti (@2000/7700) 2080 Ti Gaming X Trio 2080 Ti Asus Rog Strix 2080 Super EVGA 2080 2070 Super Asus Dual Evo 2080 mobile 2070 2070 Ventus OC | 17 16.5 16 14.5 13.5 11.5 10.5 9.5 9.5 7.5 7.5 7 6 5.5 5.5 |
Status | Released |
Category | Tool |
Author | MARvizer |
Tags | benchmark, gpu, ray-tracing, raytracing, rtx, Unreal Engine |
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Dead software. Does not work and should probably be removed.
I've just reported this app. I paid for it iirc some time ago and it's just not working anymore. it was a good testing app, a pity that it's dead now.
since some weeks only this message appears:
internet connectivity lost. please, enable online access.
can you do something about this please? finally remove the web check maybe?
And I liked a lot this tech demo, is awesome! ^_^ I'm pretty sure it taked hard work.
I have been testing my Computer and my sister's computer.
I guess the AVG FPS is the score*
RX 6650 XT Drivers adrenalin Edition 23.5.2 | FHD:
Usual Settings score: 31.51
High Settings score: 21.33
RTX 3060 Drivers 531.79 | FHD:
Usual Settings score: 42.86
High Settings score: 29.53 FPS
It's clear that Nvidia in this case overcome aproximately 10 Extra FPS to the AMD GPU, but in my gameplay testings made pretty much stable to play fast with the virtual man in AMD when usual Settings were used. The technology anti-lag allowed that I could make friendly gameplay using AMD. When Nvidia had pretty cool FPS to be playing but simply I had a little latency when Reflex it isn't activated. I don't know if Reflex is possible to activate it in this bench demo. I don't use my sister's rtx 3060 much for obvious reasons, it isn't mine.
QHD Pro settings on RTX 4090 and I9 13900k = 80 fps
What an awesome benchmark! So tired of running Port Royale.
I made a new high score of 17.5 on 4k Pro Settings. With a 3090 Palit GamerPro OC.
I'd love to see what the 4090s are getting. Please post some of those scores.
Getting around 36-ish FPS on 4k Pro with a 4090 MSI Suprim X.
Hi. This Benchmark is cool. But it could be cooler.
The Mirrorman which we can control in this benchmark is unsharp.
And the next thing is: Will you try to get DLSS in this benchmark?
DLSS is now possible for Unreal Engine 4.26 but you need an ID to do that from NVIDIA. Would be really cool this benchmark with faster fps.
Hi Alex!
Thank you very much for your feedback; I totally agree ;) I'm working on some great updates, but I need more spare time...
About the unsharped mirrorman, it's an intended effect, creating a depth of field based on the camera. But I will add a button to disable it.
And yes, DLSS is out! But it still has some limitations with certain features. Anyway I will add it, of course, but not suitable for ranking/scoring. Only an optional feature to be tested by the users.
Thank you and best regards!
Hi! Great tool! I'm one of the devs of CapFrameX. It would like to ask you some questions. Please contact me: contact@capframex.com
Thank you very much! I'm writing you an email right now.
Yes! Real time Sky shadows and lighting, in Pro mode.